Saturday 30 April 2016

Robinson Crusoe Family Movie Bundle And Merchandise Giveaway

Next Friday 6th May sees the 2D and 3D cinema release of Robinson Crusoe in a brand new animated family movie from Studiocanal. To celebrate they are offering one of my readers a fabulous movie bundle with family DVD's and Robinson Crusoe goodies.

Tuesday the parrot and his quirky friends live on an uninhabited island. Everyone may think this is paradise except Tuesday, who dreams of travelling the world. During a fierce storm the explorer Robinson Crusoe winds up shipwrecked on the island, and an excited Tuesday initially sees him as a ticket to escape.

Suitable for all, the focus is on the adventurous and humorous side of being the sole person on a desert island, with only the animals for company. As the animals and Robinson get to know each other they have a few adventures along the way, here's a look at the trailer to find out more...

You can find out loads more on the Robinson Crusoe website, where you can explore Robinson's Island with an interactive map, meet all of the characters, watch videos and play games, as well as print off some great free downloadable posters.

For a chance to win this brilliant family DVD and Robinson Crusoe bundle, containing loads of Robinson Crusoe merchandise and Studiocanal family movies Paddington, The House Of Magic and Shaun The Sheep: The Movie, please enter using the Gleam form below. 

No entry is mandatory, and each extra task completed earns more entries into the draw. Winning entries are checked - please see full terms and conditions at the bottom of the Gleam giveaway form. Entry to the giveaway is open to UK readers only, and it will end at midnight Sunday 29th May.

For help with entering or to see all of my other giveaways, please take a look at my giveaways page...

Robinson Crusoe Family Movie Bundle And Merchandise Giveaway

I was reimbursed for the time taken to administer this giveaway. 


  1. I would have to take my wife as her survival skills are much better than mine. I don't think I would last a day deserted on my own without her 😊

  2. Definitely my hubby hes so adaptable and steadfast he would look after me and the kids

  3. I would take my children and our dog.

  4. The kids, they would provide my entertainment!

  5. I would have to take the other half he has great survival skills.

  6. i'd take the hubby as he would be far better on an island than me

  7. I will take my 14 year old son Jay he is quite resourceful and entertaining.

  8. I think id prefer just myself....just in case cannibalism becomes an option

  9. I would ask Michael Kitchen if he is up for a break on a desert island but, if not, I would take one of my cats.

  10. My neice
    She's the most capable strong adaptable logical person I've ever known -she'd be my lifesaver

  11. my family! @msedollyp

  12. I'm going to go with a similar idea to Lady Trumpington's when she was on Desert Island Discs - I'd say the Queen, then lots of official people will be looking for us!

  13. My daughter - I can't live without her!

  14. I'd take my neice as her survival skills are second to none and she can adapt to any given situation always coming up with a solution

  15. I would take my two kids , so intelligent and capable.

  16. I would take Bear Grylls. He would ensure I survived

  17. Id take the hubby as he's a builder and might be quite useful! ;)

  18. I would take my loyal dog for protection

  19. My husband as hes good In a crisis and would be amazing company

  20. My partner. He gets cross with all of the survival TV shows so I think he'd keep us all well fed!

  21. Bear Grylls!

  22. Someone who was good at survival - I might have to widen my circle of friends then! x

  23. my children i couldnt be away from my babies

  24. I'd take my wonderful other half - we'd have such an adventure!

  25. Bear long as he promised he'd never ask me to drink my own pee! haha

  26. I'd take Harry Enfield or Paul Whitehouse along with me. That way we can live on opposite sides of the island and when I go out in the morning for a walk I can still bump into a new interesting character every day ;)

  27. I would take my Husband.


  28. My brother, he's strong, fit and when he was younger he was fascinated by survival techniques!

  29. My laptop with lots of movies and music on it

    trevor linvell

  30. I would take my little family

  31. My granddaughter age 3 she's soooo funny and amusing

  32. My husband and two children

  33. id take my daughter with me!

  34. The whole family.

  35. Id take my partner, kids and dog. Make it a holiday at the same time :)

  36. Do I have to take anyone at all? wouldn't it be nice to spend some time with just me and a pile of books??!!!

  37. I'd take my family with me, if I'm going to suffer, so are they! :-)

  38. My first instinct would be my son as he's fit and healthy and much taller than me but then I realised he'd moan about lack of WiFi all the time so instead I'd take my husband. He's very practical

  39. the family and pray they wouldn't bicker

  40. I would have to accommodate my 5 daughters somehow 😂

  41. Lindsay Taylor17 May 2016 at 22:22

    David Tennant - for eye candy!

  42. id take bear grills with me he knows his stuff

  43. my husband, son, daughter and our cats

  44. My Hubby, our sons & some music!

  45. I would take my dad because he can do anything from building, to cooking and he is great company :)

  46. my son, so we could dig together

  47. my mum, shes look after me

  48. My son and our dogs :) I made a mistake and wrote 'name ' in the box on the gleam bit :/

  49. My husband and kids - provided we did escape safely

  50. My family, together we are strong!!

  51. My hubby as he takes good care of me not and wouldn't let me go without :)

  52. My four year old because he is a laugh a minute and can sniff out even the tiniest crumb of food so we would never starve!

  53. My pets, my family and my phone

  54. Bear Grylls - easy on the eye & could keep me alive!

  55. I would take my 3 lovely children because they always put a smile on my face and they would make it more enjoyable.

  56. I think it would be great to have Bear Grylls and Doctor Dolittle with me.

  57. If I could only take one person I would take my mum!

  58. my little boy to keep me company

  59. My husband as he is so adaptable

  60. My family wouldnt want to be without them

  61. My four kids as my life is my kids


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I read every one and try my best to reply!