Saturday, 26 January 2013


I know it makes everything really hard work, but it's so beautiful and calming....I could look at it for hours :)


  1. Just as bad here #icanseeyourhousefromhere I wanted to go to IKEA tomorrow!

    1. Aw, no, you can't say 'bad' - it's lovely! :D

      It was even okay getting 4 of the kids into the van and off to the Opticians in town for 9.30am, although I should probably have thought that one through a bit better... ;D

  2. It's the silence that I love - that's what makes it so magical

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, it really was. It was 1am and I stood out there for ages, I didn't want to come in (partly because I knew rain was forecast the next afternoon and I wanted to make the most of it!)


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