Thursday, 5 March 2015

Transformers Prime: Darkest Hour DVD review and giveaway

The Transformers have been around a long time, they're something my children have all enjoyed, from my youngest now at 4, to my oldest who is now 21. They've changed a little over time, but the basic good v's evil storylines are the same, and the Autobots are still there to protect the human race from the Decepticons.

In traditional Transformer style this DVD sees Megatron and the Decepticons capturing 3 of the Autobots and holding them to ransom until the Autobots hand over the Omega Keys - ancient relics that give the holder ultimate power over Cybertron. Naturally a fight ensues and all manner of excitement and battling ensues.

Transformers Prime: Darkest Hour DVD review and giveaway Cover close up

The Darkest Hour DVD contains 6 episodes and is subtitled Season 2  Volume 4. The episodes are: Alpha/Omega, Hard Knocks, Inside Job, Patch, Regeneration and Darkest Hour.

The running time for Transformers Prime: Darkest Hour is 2 hours and 6 minutes and it has a rating of PG.  The storylines can be a little more complicated than some children's stories, so it's no surprise that my 6 year old is more drawn into the show than my 4 year old, but they both would watch it for hours if I let them. The animation is CGI, so it's quite different to the original drawn series and really quite slick, it's nicely done and a lot less grainy. The storyline is actually really interesting and has enough detail to hold the attention of older children and even adults.

Transformers Prime: Darkest Hour DVD cover close up

Hasbro Studios have very kindly sent me an extra copy of Transformers Prime: Darkest Hour to give away to one of my readers. Entry is by Gleam form below. The giveaway will end at midnight on Sunday 22nd March, after which no more entries will be allowed or accepted. UK entries only please. See the Gleam form for further terms and conditions.

I was sent my DVD for review.


  1. A Fighter Jet or a Tank :)

  2. a fridge! lol so i can store lot of food!

  3. A daddy so I could get a break :P

  4. I would be able to transform into a plane made of biceps

  5. a car so i can speed off whenever I need to

  6. A motorbike to beat all the traffic

  7. An octopus, so I actually had enough hands to do everything at once!

  8. A Bird, so i could fly anywhere and get a bird's eye view of everything.

  9. An invisible man , then I could check on all my enemies

  10. A bicycle - an eco-friendly transformer

  11. A big yellow submarine

  12. A giant speaker - blowing everything out of my way;...BASSSSSSS!

  13. A motorbike

  14. I think I'd like to be able to transform into a plane made of biceps too ;-)

  15. a fly so i could be a fly on the wall

  16. Megan says she would change into a television!!

  17. A supermarket trolley to save me trawling the aisles!

    Celia West

  18. I would transform into a lovely red Ferrari

    kirstyjfox AT yahoo DOT com

  19. a spaceship so I could travel galaxies just to see whats there :)

  20. An aeroplane as I've always wanted to fly.

  21. A cat. I could laze around in the sunshine.

  22. Definitely a car or any vehicle actually. I have only just started my driving lessons and it's really annoying not being able to drive!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I read every one and try my best to reply!