Wednesday, 9 September 2015

St John Ambulance 1st Aid Kit Giveaway

When he was 18 months old my eldest child choked on a piece of orange. It took a couple of minutes to realise he really was choking, a minute to explain myself to the 999 operator on the phone and 3 more minutes for the Paramedic to get to my house. Thankfully it only took 4 minutes to stop him choking, so he was breathing again when the hero burst in through the door.

They were the longest 4 minutes of my life and 20 years later I remember each second.

I didn't panic. I knew what I should be doing, I had done a Paediatric First Aid Course run my my local St. John Ambulance. It gave me the confidence to know I was right and to carry on. I recognised the danger signs immediately, and when my son went completely quiet I knew it really was time to act fast.

My partner and I have spent most of our adult lives as certified First Aiders. We've undertaken regular training to ensure that if a medical emergency happens, we at least have the best chance we can to help. Basic First Aid can save a life, and regularly does.

Earlier this year St John Ambulance released a short 40 second video called The Chokeables, featuring a host of famous voices. The video is to raise awareness of the sort of objects which small children and babies regularly put in their mouths and in some cases choke on. It also shows you how to help a choking baby. If you haven't yet seen The Chokeables video, or you fancy a reminder, here it is...

St John Ambulance want to make as many of us as possible into potential lifesavers. They want everyone to know what to do for the best in case of an accident or emergency, and every year more than 400,000 people learn how to save a life through their training programmes.

If you want to find your local St John Ambulance training programme then you can do so here. An Essential First Aid course might only take 3 hours and cost you £30, and it could be the best £30 you've ever spent.

I can't offer you a free First Aid Course, but I can offer you a chance to win a First Aid Kit. St John Ambulance sell a range of different kits and this one is the Universal Compact First Aid Kit - perfect for everyday emergencies in the home or out and about.

Containing eyewash, sterile wound wipes, burn gel, bandages and loads more, it is perfect for family use and at £10 is well worth the investment. Each St John Ambulance First Aid Kit also comes with a leaflet full of waffle free sensible advice for emergency situations.

For your chance to win please enter using the Gleam form below. The giveaway is open to UK entrants only and will end at midnight Wednesday 30th September. Full terms and conditions at the bottom of the Gleam form.

We were sent our own First Aid Kit to review.


  1. Great giveaway, I could do with a decent first aid kit!

  2. I've never learnt first aid but I'd like to.

  3. i think i did some at a youth club but thats many years ago

  4. Yes i have when my daughter was a baby!


  5. I haven't but I would really like to take a course, especially with having young children

  6. I learned at swimming.

  7. Yes, I first learnt some first aid in the Brownies too. Then the Guides, and we did a little in school too. That was a long time ago. My partner's a bit more up to date, with regular courses when she worked in security.

  8. Claire Elizabeth Noke9 September 2015 at 21:28

    I had basic training when I was younger and a refresher course through a local college a few years ago.

  9. I went on a few first aid courses from work... and I still worry how I will copy in a real life situation.

  10. We did level 1 and 2 at school x

  11. Due to my job i have yearly update part first aid courses.

  12. I first learned it in a little summer camp put together by the church I used to attend x

  13. I did a course at college, but that was years ago

  14. I did a course about 20 years ago so should really have a refresher.

  15. I did when my daughter was first born

  16. I've been on many first aid courses, the most recent was a Paediatric First Aid course at college

  17. I learned how to give the kiss of life when I was in junior school, many moons ago, I did update it with work few years back. apart from that ive not learnt any.

  18. I work with children so do regular first aid training.

  19. Yes I did a paediatric first aid course as part of my placement many moons ago. I need to refresher now though!

  20. I did a bit at school during swimming

  21. I learnt first aid when doing my duke of edinburugh

  22. Great Comp & useful prize

  23. I done a course in college and then again when my daughter was bron thankfully ive never had to use it though x

  24. I went to a paediatric first aid class at my local children's centre last year x

  25. Did a first aid course many years ago when I was in the guides & did a CPR course at work a few years ago.

  26. Haven't actually learnt first aid but know the basics from books. Actually stopped my child from choking when he was young.

  27. I learnt First Aid at Brownies. I also did paediatric first aid as a guider
    and have a First Aid at Work qualification as a teacher.

  28. I first learnt at Brownies and now keep up to date with my work.

  29. I first worked in a GP surgery as the Practice Manager and then as a PA to a cardiothoracic surgeon in a hospital. Both jobs provided first aid courses and I used my skills on several occasions whilst working in the GP surgery! You would be surprised how many people collapsed in the waiting area from cardiac arrests!!

  30. Yes I have done as I am a trained nurse x

  31. I learnt first aid at university as part of my course!

  32. Initially I went on a Red Cross course with my Mum as a teenager, then, 15 years later I did a St. John's Ambulance course as a favour to the instructor as he had recently qualified to teach and wanted friends for his first course, then last year I did another course and am a qualified First Aider again!

  33. fab kit better then the one I have

  34. I remember learning a bit in school but I really should know more, it could save someone's life.

  35. Yes, I learnt in the office and found it to be invaluable. I can still remember my ABC checklist and how to put someone in the recovery position. Thankfully, I've only had to use my training for minor incidents.

  36. I learned in my workplace, its never too late to learn the basics

  37. Great giveaway I would give to my son at Uni, then he would be prepared.

  38. I first learnt First Aid through the Red Cross when my first child started playgroup. They needed several mothers to learn first aid. I think every parent should be taught basic first aid.

  39. I learnt in my workplace but I need a refreshers course

  40. i learnt baby first aid via my local surestart centre :)

  41. I work at a nursery, so I've recently updated my first aid training.

  42. I know the basics but with an inquisitive 3 year old I definitely need to know more.

  43. I first learnt when I was going to girl guides.

  44. I passed a first aid course years ago

  45. I learnt some first aid at secondary school but perhaps need to learn some again!

  46. I did some when I started my job and had a refresher about 5 years ago, not sure I would know what to do now though, I think large companies should offer training at least every couple of years

  47. The Girl Guides was the first place I was taught First Aid.

    Hazel Rea - @beachrambler

  48. I had to do a first aid course for my driving license in Germany, but that was a LONG time ago.

  49. I did first aid classes in school.

  50. ive learned none! thats a terrifying realisation,..

  51. Brownies as well!

  52. No not yet, but having young children I really should book myself on one.


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