Monday, 28 March 2016

Transformers : Robots in Disguise – A New Mission DVD Review And Giveaway

Transformers : Robots in Disguise – A New Mission is available on DVD and Digital Download from today - 28th March - just in time for the Easter holidays. Rated PG this contains 7 episodes, which is almost 2 1/2 hours of the of the latest Cartoon Network Transformers series.

This is the first release for the Transformers: Robots In Disguise series, and is set years after the Prime series. Earth has been peaceful and the Transformers are just living out Transformer lives.

In the first 2-part Story 'Pilot', Bumblebee receives an urgent message from Optimus Prime and gathers together the Autobots to return to Earth and rescue the planet from the Decepticons, who have escaped when their prison ship crash landed.

Bumblebee has a cadet with him, Strongarm, and as she had captured a prisoner who is shackled to her, he also goes to Earth. The prisoner, Sideswipe, actually isn't really such a bad guy, and helps them in their battle against the escaped Decepticons before leaving.

It's great to see strong female characters in Transformers, even better that my boys didn't see it as in any way remarkable. She was a bit annoying by always asking questions, although I suppose as the rookie this was inevitable.

The series is otherwise still very familar to how it was 20 years ago, but the CGI animation is considerably clearer and sharper, scenery is better lit so the overall effect is not so gloomy, and there are now more characters. Transformers lends itself very well to developments in animation, so I think will hopefully only ever benefit.

The action remains the same fast-paced huge scale battles, with witty asides and real personality to the characters, and Transformers : Robots In Disguise - A New Mission kept my 7 year old especially entertained throughout.

A New Mission contains the following 7 episodes:

  • Pilot - Episode 1
  • Pilot - Episode 2
  • Trust Exercises
  • More Than Meets The Eye
  • W.W.O.D?
  • As The Kospego Commands!
  • Collect ‘Em All!

TRANSFORMERS: ROBOTS IN DISGUISE – A NEW MISSION explodes onto DVD and Digital Download today priced £7.99. For more information, video clips, free printables and games, see the Hasbro Transformers website.

To celebrate the launch Hasbro have very kindly offered a copy of the DVD for one of my readers. Entry to the giveaway is by Gleam form below. Open to UK readers only, the giveaway will end at midnight Sunday 17th April 2016. Full terms and conditions at the bottom of the Gleam form.

for all of my other giveaways, please see my giveaways page...

We were sent our copy of the DVD for review.


  1. superglue to stop them moving @msedollyp

  2. Mine would spray out glue to hold those spiders back!

  3. Wasps (just shuddering thinking about it- lol)

  4. i'd spray everyone with worms

  5. Affirmations and maybe they would help bring Peace. I believe I am a Pacifist. I'd rather shower others with love, empathy, kindness etc. Being female I maybe would consider showering others with Rose petals.

    It is the boys in the family who have an interest in Transformers. I can recall my nephews many years ago enjoying playing with these toys. All the family were taken with the fact that the toys transformed, which provided more Funtime for my nephew.

    Rachel Craig

  6. jelly babies - they would be to busy eating to fight

  7. It has to be acid. Yuck spiders! Thanks for the giveaway, my boy is soooo mad about Transformers!

  8. Money everyone would stop to try and grab it- well that's the plan anyway!

  9. Rats because everything hates them

  10. Perfect for my Transformers mad nephews -I must admit I would watch it too

  11. Nano bots that would dis-assemble the enemy

  12. I'd spray everyone with custard!

  13. Pink's seriously sticky (a bit like spiderwebs) as I discovered yesterday at our Easter fete ;)

  14. I would spray out strawberry Jelly so that they get all sticky and stop chasing me!!!

  15. Mine would spray everyone with oil so they're too busy slipping and sliding to fight.

  16. Mine would spray custard, they would not be able to resist it.

  17. Mine would spray out little ball bearings to make them fall over.

  18. Rats! I love them so I'd be happy with them all around!

  19. Eww spider repellant!! Hate spiders

  20. Oooh good question, maybe money, everyone is greedy, and they would stop to pick up the money

  21. My transformer would spray them with a bananas would be a very slippery slope for them

  22. Nails... wow, that would be carnage!!

  23. Margaret Clarkson
    Oil, so they would slip

  24. Lynsey Buchanan5 April 2016 at 15:20

    My transformer would spray bubbles and we would have a foam party instead of fighting

  25. Chewing Gum,to stick them together.

  26. Some extra strong hairspray so their legs would set stiff

  27. Cockroaches, just as long as I don't have to go anywhere near them, or even see them

  28. Fosters because nobody wants to drink it.

  29. Id spray water - hopefully they would get all rusty :-)

  30. Bee's - nobody wants to be stung x

  31. spider repellent!

  32. Something very sticky - Glue probably

  33. Mine would spray out tiny balls to hit them with then they would all fall over as the balls roll over the ground :)

  34. Chocolate so everyone wants to stop and lick it.

    1. Antiseptic spray - at least they'd be clean!

  35. My daughter said her transformer would shoot pink glitter! I think she's on to something because it goes everywhere and is so hard to get rid of :)

  36. Snakes because they'd make people run away!

  37. magnets, so they get covered and clogged up by them

    Trevor linvell

  38. Frogs :) Has to be really, speaks the frog obsessive!

  39. Philip Underwood17 April 2016 at 12:00

    Bouncy balls so that the enemy would slip over. Ouch!

  40. Green gunge !

  41. LOVE; because evil cant stand to be loved

  42. spider venom

  43. A stinky smell so they would run away in horror

  44. Fast dry cement! That would do it!

  45. wasps because they are evil little gits!


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