Bunch O Balloons were a new thing to the UK last year and this year our sunshine really means they're perfect. We've been sent the Bunch O Balloons Launcher Value Pack to review. Suitable for age 3+, although obviously someone older will have to supervise and help with filling, this set is a full battle set!
Opening the packaging takes a while, this is not Christmas morning friendly, but it's not a toy you'd buy for Christmas in the UK. Cable ties and stiff cardboard, you'll need scissors, but there's no assembly.
Inside there are 4 bunches of 35 water balloons on the special fillers, 2 launchers, 2 plastic/cloth bags to hold your water balloons, a quick-connect tap adapter, instructions and a really useful 'balloon size' guide to warn you when you are over-filling.
Attach the balloon straw to your tap, make sure your balloons are going to fall into water, if they fall to the ground they'll pop. Each balloon does fill to quite a size, around 12cm is recommended and by that time the whole thing is really heavy!
As soon as they weigh enough, the water balloons slide off the straw and the O ring tightens around the neck of the balloon - it's very simple but incredibly clever. We found that being bold and turning the tap onto full was the best way to fill, and every balloon fills up. Some need a little shake to encourage them off the straw.
The water balloons are excellent quality - we've had no accidental breakages, but almost every one pops first throw - you can't ask for more. You have to be luckier than us if you can rest your Bunch O Balloons in the bags to fill, but they are very handy for storing everything while it dries. The launchers are excellent. It's incredibly easy to scoop up a water balloon or two from a bucket and you really can fling them a long way with some force!
You only get a proper idea if you see them in action. Here's our amateur attempt, and the errors we made first time round...
And in case you haven't seen it, here's Bunch O Balloons more professional balloon filling - featuring Mr Summer...
Regular readers will know that I am a fan of Earth-friendly products and water balloons might not be the greatest toy for the environment. Bunch O Balloons straws are made from recycled plastic, and the balloons and O ring seals are made using recyclable, biodegradable latex which should break up naturally with sunshine and rain.
You should always pick up broken and uninflated balloon pieces, and keep small children and excitable dogs away, as inhaled balloon pieces are a genuine risk to anyone or anything that puts them in their mouth.
We think Zuru Toys Bunch O Balloons are brilliant. Our Launcher Value Set retails around £15, which is a fair price for a treat during the Summer holidays, and will keep the kids busy for a couple or more hours. Loads of other sets are available, starting around £9, from toyshops including The Entertainer.. Find out more on the Zuru Toys Bunch O Balloons website.
If you've never tried Bunch O Balloons, it's definitely worth it at least once just for the joy of looking at the water balloons and knowing you didn't have to knot them all yourself...
Zuru Toys have kindly offered a pack of Bunch O Balloons for one of my readers. The winner will receive a pack which includes a launcher and 3 bunches of balloons plus a Minions 3 pack of balloons.
Entry to the giveaway is by Gleam form below. The entries are only used to administrate this giveaway and not for any other reason. The giveaway is open to UK entrants only and will end at midnight Sunday 26th August 2018. Full terms and conditions are at the bottom of the Gleam form.
To see my other UK giveaways, please go to my Giveaways Page...
We were sent our Bunch O Balloons Launcher Value set for review.
We tried these for the first time last summer and had an absolute blast so much easier than filling individual balloons and far less mess!
ReplyDeleteOh and battlewise I'd pick Trump as the enemy and I'd probably willingly have steam if volunteers!
ReplyDeleteI'd pick my kids and I'd have my OH on my team.
ReplyDeleteNephews V neices - girl power TRUMPS everytime
ReplyDeleteMy four children!
ReplyDeleteId want to battle with my manager, and have my kids on my team (they are fierce)
ReplyDeletemy sons and partner x
ReplyDeleteI would have a bunch o balloons battle with my mum but I think she'd be good so I'd have to team up with the rest of my family too!
ReplyDeleteit would have to be my sister and my nephews as it`s one battle I would win!
ReplyDeleteI think i would have to pick Gary Barlow as i'm a huge take that fan and on my team i would have my best friend.
ReplyDeleteI would have my friend, Kirsty on my team, and I think we'd both choose our partners as the enemy, it'd be great fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm being really boring here and just saying that I would have a battle with my family
ReplyDeleteI would pick my little Grandson and would deffo want my Son-in-Law in my team!
ReplyDeleteIf you could have a friendly Bunch O Balloons battle with someone, who would you pick? And who would you have on your team? against my son, and l'd have my grandsons on my side . . . . .victory guaranteed!!!
ReplyDeleteOh I love the look of these. Must get them for the kids if the sun ever comes back. It's not easy filling them individually. x
ReplyDeleteI'd have a balloon battle with my neighbours and my kids would be my team x
ReplyDeleteI would have a battle against my kids and the other half would be on my team
ReplyDeleteWith my kids
ReplyDeleteid have me and my daughter V my hubby and son! would be a epic fight!! us girls would deffo win though!!
ReplyDeleteme and the kids vs the neighbour and hers'!!
ReplyDeleteIt would have to be with my two girls....It would be so much fun x
ReplyDeleteBattle with the England team (failing that the kiddos)
ReplyDeleteWith my three kids!
ReplyDeleteI’d pick my family - it would be a great battle girls v boys and the girls would definitely win
ReplyDeleteMy daughter and my best friend
ReplyDeleteKids VS adults! I’d choose my mum to be in my team! She has excellent aim!
ReplyDeleteI would have a battle with my partner Robert and I would have my son Matthew in my team because I have seen him having water fight battles and oh boy is he good at the blasting! :)
ReplyDeleteI would have one with the whole family and not have teams just hit anyone :-)
ReplyDeleteI would pick my grandsons. I would be head of one team and my partner the other.
ReplyDeleteI would have a battle against my husband and I would have my grandchildren on my team!
ReplyDeleteit would be a battle of parents v children, i am sure our 3 would soak us.
ReplyDeleteMy boys and hubby, pretty sure I would loose lol
ReplyDeletewould be me and my girlfriend against her bro and my bro
ReplyDeleteMy son as he really good at aiming people especially his dad lol :-)
ReplyDeleteive four nephews and two neices! this would be fun for us to play, id have to have the eldest on my team thugh ;)
ReplyDeleteMy husband... I would have my two girls on my team and he would want our two sons... but they would be on my team as well... hehehe
ReplyDeleteI would have the adults against the kids, and see who gets wet the most
ReplyDeleteMy sons
ReplyDeleteI would have my nephew on my team against his mother my sister :)
ReplyDeleteI would have my son Corey & rope in all of my nieces and nephews! Mia, Ruby, Eliot, Michael, Aimee Rose & Scarlet x
ReplyDeleteMy son and his friends v parents
ReplyDeletewe'd have a family fight !!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to have a battle with my husband, My daughter would be on my team as I'm a rubbish throw so I'd need the help.
ReplyDeleteFor me it'd def have to be a water fight with my three children and 2 nephews. We would a all the balloons at my brother and sister :)
ReplyDeleteIt would probably be me and my Daughter against my Hubby and Son xx
ReplyDeleteAll my nieces and nephews and I’d have my little one on my team.
ReplyDeleteIt would be with my sister / brother in law and my nephew. I would definitely want my nephew on my side as he has no fear and a competitive side :)
ReplyDeleteMy daughter and husband as they are always up for a water fight.
ReplyDeleteI'd get my son to help me and we'd have a battle with his dad and his friends Io'd love to soak them!
ReplyDeleteWith my sister - it would get very competitive!
ReplyDeleteI would choose my husband and two children (my and my daughter and my husband and son) nothing like a family water fight to cool off in the summer lol!
ReplyDeleteI would have a family battle but think I would want my youngest in my side as he throws exceptionally well
ReplyDeleteMy husband and my little grandson he loves water fights he's good with the hose pipe too
ReplyDeleteI’d battle WWE stars the hardy boys with my husband and son on my team.
ReplyDeletemy 5 kids against their cousins.
ReplyDeleteMy partner and 2 children would have a battle
ReplyDeleteId have a battle with my boyfriend x
ReplyDeletei would have a battle with my husband and children x
ReplyDeleteMy Son and his friends
ReplyDeleteIt'd be my daughte versus me and my mum xx
ReplyDeleteI would battle my hubby and would have my kids and sister on my team