Sunday, 18 November 2018

Rapidough Family Game Review and Christmas Giveaway Age 8+ (Sent By Drumond Park)

One of my final Christmas Present Giveaways for 2018 is from my good friends at Drumond Park, and it's for Rapidough - a family favourite here for years.

Suitable for 4 or more players aged 8+, this is a very funny family game which involves recreating items shown on a card in dough - and like a good cheese, it matures as your family gets older...

We really like this game and have played it a lot over the years, including reviewing it in early 2015 with my younger children. What I can tell you now is that it gets better as your family grows up. Models become more complex and gameplay speeds up.

There's no inessential packaging and you can store everything in the box afterwards. Inside the box is everything you need: 2 pots of modelling dough, 2 modelling mats, 2 dough plugger tools, 2 modelling tools, 300 word cards and the rules. The rules are super simple and you can play immediately - a Christmas morning-friendly game.

There's no real set up, split into 2 teams and each team chooses who will take a turn at being 'Modeller' first. The 2 Modellers take a card from the box without showing it to anyone else, and then they have to create the item shown using the dough. The other players have to guess what it is!

Cards come in 3 types and the guessers won't know which has been picked:
1 Word - both Modellers will be making the same thing
2 Words - Modellers MUST model the word printed on their team colour.
3 Words - Modellers secretly pick which word they want to model, so may end up modelling the same thing.

The team who guess the item correctly first win that round, and are allowed to take a plug of dough from the losing side. The more you lose, the more you lose. You have a cute little plunger to take a fair portion of dough.

As play progresses and the amount of dough decreases, tension mounts and pace increases even more... It all gets very exciting at times... and it's a great laugh. We really aren't expert modellers...

Rapidough has stood the test of time in our house and everyone enjoys playing. We all think we are Michaelangelo until the pressure is on and we discover we have to create a chandelier or ravioli!

Rapidough is available to buy now priced £24.99rrp from all good toy and game shops, including online at Amazon*. For more information about the entire range available see the Drumond Park website. I've reviewed many, many games for Drumond Park over the past 6 years. You can see all of my Drumond Park Games reviews here...

Drumond Park have also offered a copy of Rapidough as a Christmas Present for one of my readers. Entry to the giveaway is by Gleam form below. No entries are mandatory, but each extra task performed earns and extra entry into the random draw. Your personal information will ONLY be used to administrate this giveaway.

You can find a link to help with Gleam forms and see my other Christmas Present Giveaways here. Full terms and conditions are at the bottom of the Gleam form. The giveaway is open to UK entrants only and will close at midnight Sunday 9th December for Christmas delivery.

We were sent our copy of Rapidough for review. *Amazon links are affiliate, which means I earn a few pence as a thank you for my time if you order through my link, but you don't pay any extra. It helps keeps the website reindeer fed.


  1. Lots of handmade ones too - lots of clay ones and a scrabble tile one and a big star

  2. We always put on the angel little dude made in nursery dusty from planes and a knitted Santa - EmmaC

  3. ohh fantastic game - great prize - fingers crossed :)

  4. A star at the top, personalised baubles (we all have one with our name on it, including the pets!) and lights!

  5. We put a star on top, sone Disney ornaments and special baubles with the kids names on.

  6. We have a fabric Christmas star my daughter made at school, a black cat that looks like our puss and a beautiful angel that my nana always had on her tree.

  7. We have lots of silver baubles, fairy lights and a koala star from Austrailia

  8. The fairy , lights and every year our children chose a new decoration to buy to put on the tree so all of those go it

  9. the angel my son made, colourful baubles the kids chose and plenty of tinsel :)

  10. Handmade secs from all the family over 20years - each year we make more - paper dough glitter - I need a bigger tree !

  11. We put fairy lights, baubles and chocolate tree decorations.

  12. We always have a star at the top of our Christmas tree. Each year, I buy one new Christmas decoration which represents the year we bought it and each year we add all of them to the tree. Of course, we always have White Christmas lights x

  13. We made 18 moulded chocolates over the weekend with our grandchildren and covered them in foil

  14. From being a child every year we each pick a new bauble, so our tree is covered in baubles we have all chosen over the years including a Bambi from when I was 5 its now over 50 years old. I now take my grandchildren to pick their annual bauble

  15. Dough handprints of my four grandchildren, a scroll one of my sons made in nursery thirty years ago and a willow star that I mad for the top of the tree

  16. My children's first Christmas decorations, a choir boys bauble that we bought from Winchester Cathedral that I love and a very special ceramic star.

  17. Fairy lights, baubles and a star on top!

  18. we love handmade decorations too :) our tree is very much full of all kinds of different decorations in all kinds of different colours. I like that people can look at it and spot all the different things :)

  19. we always make decorations every year, not loads using cardboard we cut out shapes and the girls paint and add to them x

  20. swarovski crystal tree oranament, a handmade glass holly & red glass hearts

  21. Fairy lights, baubles, decorations that the kids make at school

  22. Disney baubles; Tinsel and Chocolate tree decorations!

  23. Pigs in tutus, lots of homemade decorations and some special memorial decorations for my daughter

  24. A Handmade angel made from an empty toilet roll.
    Candy cane sweets and a stocking that my daughter stitched

  25. angel, coloured lights and lots of baubles

  26. We put tinsel, cute baubles and a star at the top

  27. Baubles, fairy lights and plenty of chocolates. Nom nom!

  28. baubles that the kids have made, tinsel lights and a star on the top x

  29. We put on decorations handmade by the children, a minnie mouse on the top and some tinsel

  30. All the decorations they make at school, baubles, a fairy and lights

  31. tinsel, baubles my daughter made and acorns we have sprayed silver

  32. I always have home made decorations off my girls, i have tinsel and topoff with a star 🌟

  33. A fairy my daughter bought me years ago, a star my little grandson made and a stocking my son made when he was 7, he is 41 now!

  34. A star, fairy lights, and decorations with my children's names on them.

  35. We have lots of home made things, a snowman the children made years ago, knitted baubles, and knitted mini toys.

  36. We have toilet roll crackers, and my Niece and Nephew always make me a lovely calendar each year at school

  37. handmade wooden reindeers, white fairylights and big bows

  38. This year pipelines I've collected, ceramic baubles my nephews and niece decorated and some vintage ones I recently found in a charity shop.

  39. Baubles tinsel and lights, I keep my tree pretty classic

  40. We always put on our very first ornament we got as a married couple, my husband's very first childhood ornament that his mum bought the year he was born and I also love putting a silver Bell on the tree that has a tag attached with "the bell still rings for those that believe"

  41. The angel tree topper that my brother made when he was 4 (he's now 37!), the paper chain that me and my sister made when I was young (its been well looked after!) and my mums favourite red metal bell decoration that jingles when its moved

  42. does the world's supply of baubles count as one thing?? Ok then also a felt ice skate, and a model bird which actually sings (and makes all our visitors wonder where the singing is coming from)

  43. Angel for the top of the tree, baubles made by our family and old tinsel

  44. We always put on the kids forst christmas bauble, this year new made decorations and the fairy I had when I was a child.

  45. We have homemade decorations also, aswell as disney decorations and a star on top.

  46. On our Christmas tree we put a House bauble which represents our first Christmas in our home together, our favourite collection of Nightmare Before Christmas baubles and a light up Gingerbread man in a box.

  47. Lights candy canes and silver ordinments

  48. Always twinkling lights something my granddaughter made at school so it's always fiffdiffe but still from her and and snow blanket with vombs on cos it looks pretty

  49. We always have the star on top, lots of decorations (homemade and some from our travels) and we always take son to buy a new decoration each year

  50. A variety of handmade things from the kids, chocolates (which only lasted a day this year) and twinkly lights

  51. Tinsel, Candy canes and baubles

  52. i normally buy a new trinket every yeay this year i have a robot and a seahorse to put on, along with the lights and other baubles x

  53. A star, a few kid's hanging decorations and chocolates

  54. we put baubles candy sticks and tinsel

  55. An angel on the top and lovely white dove and a gingerbread man!

  56. We put home made pom-poms, a star and lots of old baubles

  57. Lights, baubles and yes, we have a few handmade trinkets, too, that have seen better days.

  58. fairy lights, baubles and chocolates

  59. A star, fairy lights and baubles x

  60. Chocolates, an angel the grandchildren made and fairy lights

  61. My children are 19,26 and 28, I still have decorations them=y made In Infant school which I still put on the tree every year

  62. I put on fairy lights, tinsel and my children's home made ornaments

  63. Baubles, lights and chocolates (although they seem to disappear quite quickly!)

  64. Chocolate, a star and the kids handmade decorations.

  65. Lights, tinsel and a lot of soft toy decorations

  66. I have a snowman, a raindeer and a star all made by my kids


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