Monday, 12 November 2018

Robo Alive Dino Robotic Toy Giveaway (age3+) Sent by Zuru Toys

This is a toy giveaway which is aimed more at younger members of the family. Sent to us for review by Zuru Toys, the Robo Alive Dino is a walking, roaring Dinosaur who opens and closes his mouth and will no doubt be very popular with young paleontologists.

The Dino takes ages to unpack and open. It's not difficult, there's just a lot of tape and then the Dino's feet are fastened on by plastic pegs. You'll need 2 x AAA batteries too, so I can't call this one entirely Christmas-morning friendly. Once the batteries are in though, he's away.

The Dino has an on/off switch and once 'on' he doesn't stop. He walks, growls and roars, and chomps his teeth and looks pretty ferocious. In a fairly cute way.

On the side of the Dino is a brightly coloured scar which stands out in dim light. He's got a great finish with dinosaur bumps and lumps and realistic lizard skin.

His eyes are very lifelike and very much the terrible lizard, but even so he still isn't too scary. Just scary enough to impress your 3-7 year old friends...

My 10 year old had a dinosaur similar to this when he was younger and he loved it. I admit the noise was a bit much at times, but mainly he'd just have it stomping back and forth up the hall keeping guard for enemies. He'd have been much more impressed with the Robo Alive Dino because it is far more 'realistic' and makes several different sounds and actually looks like he's roaring at you!

My 10 year old's recreation of "The boy on the back of the box". 
We've been sent the 'Attacking T-Rex' in green, he's also available in orange, and if dinosaurs aren't your thing then there are several different creatures available including Snakes and Lizards!

Robo Alive Dino is available to buy now priced £16.99rrp from all good toy and game shops, including online at Amazon*. For more information about the entire range available see the Zuru Toys website.

Zuru Toys have also offered a Robo Alive Dino as a Christmas Present for one of my readers. You don't get a choice of colour, that'll be a surprise! Entry to the giveaway is by Gleam form below. No entries are mandatory, but each extra task performed earns and extra entry into the random draw. Your personal information will ONLY be used to administrate this giveaway - I won't need it unless you win!

You can find a link to help with Gleam forms and see my other Christmas Present Giveaways here. Full terms and conditions are at the bottom of the Gleam form. The giveaway is open to UK entrants only and will close at midnight Sunday 9th December for Christmas delivery.

We were sent our Robo Alive Dino for review. *Amazon links are affiliate, which means I earn a few pence as a thank you for my time if you order through my link, but you don't pay any extra. It helps keep the cat fed and the website viable!


  1. I had a Major Morgan and a Tomy Chatbot that apparently drove my parents nuts lol!

  2. i don't remember any powered toys but had a lot of fun with my whoopee cushion!

    1. Not sure maybe a Batman toy

  3. Xylophone ( played badly) and tingling trudy doll that repeated the same thing !

  4. A Transformers toy which made a lot of noise.

  5. My favourite toy when I was younger was a furby xx

  6. I had a casio organ and used to play it incessantly as I learnt to play my favourite tune of the moment

  7. I had a wind up Fisher Price radio which I adored

  8. it was a bunker that came with my action man,it made lots of gun noises and explosions

  9. I don't think mine were very noisy I mainly played with my doll house and my little ponies! x

  10. my recorder which drove my parents mad

  11. A talking doll which was very loud

  12. My favourite was a white fluffy cat that moved it's head and meowed a lot :) (i think it was like a fur real friends)

  13. I can’t remember a noisy toy I had only my brothers who had a black robot toy

  14. I loved my robot dog I took him everywhere with me lol 😂

  15. I can't think of any powered but i loved polly pocket the most :)

  16. Speak and spell!

  17. I had a karaoke machine which used to drive my mum (and possibly the neighbours) mad

  18. When i was 10 my boyfriend bought me a love heart that played green sleeves. Loved that soo much

  19. i had a remote controlled petrol car x

  20. I played the trombone - does that count?!!

  21. I had a handheld toy with a steering wheel that made car noises

  22. i loved my keyboard couldnt play it properly and my mum eventually took the batteries out hehe

  23. I had a xylophone that i liked to whack loudly.

  24. I played the piano, by far my favourite noise, when I was upset after school I would go and thump tunes out on the piano for a while to calm down!

  25. My Youngest son is Mad on Dinosaurs

  26. Mousetrap (lots of screaming from me and my brothers).

  27. I had a red fire engine as a child that made the siren noise. I loved it so much that I bought one for my children. Didn't like it as much when they had it :)

  28. Mine were not noisy, I played outside mostly.

  29. I had a keyboard that I love to play (bash about) loudly!

  30. i loved my furby when i was little

  31. I actually had a little robot my dad gave me that made funny noises and went around on the floor. I think I still have it somewhere.

  32. I think my mum and dad had it sussed because I cannot remember having any noisy toys!

  33. I was happy with my back flipping dog, toys have come a long way since then

  34. I loved my Recorder but nobody else did

  35. My favourite noise toy when I was a kid was Operation!!! When you hit the sides and that buzzer went off, oh my, as a kid, it frightened me!

  36. I didn't have any powered toys when I was younger, noisy toy would have been my recorder

  37. We had a very old lego train which ran on some weird battery packs & we built a track between mine & my brothers room & used to send messages to each other when we were supposed to be asleep.

  38. Omg I can't think of any powered toys I had!? Why is that? I had plenty of lovely toys - not as much as my kids have mind. My favourite was a lovely dolls house and a Barbie beauty salon/shop. Your question has made me feel old lol

  39. I remember I had this weird tube thing it glowed in the dark and you turned it in your hand an it made a weird noise a bit like a light sabre. Although my parents would probably say my most annoying noisy was my clarinet haha

  40. I adored my Speak and Spell but apparently it was loud and had an annoying voice.

  41. I had a plastic red record player - does that count?

  42. A little musical keyboard and book on how to play it - drove my mum up the wall but we all had them in the 1980's! x

  43. A steam train that used to puff out steam. It was noisy and the steam smelled awful!

  44. SIMON - I would play that for hours challenging my brother.

  45. I loved my story telling mother goose

  46. My Tiny Tears with a pull cord, her laugh was fantastic

  47. I loved my toy trumpet.

  48. I had a stylophone,an electronic keypad in the 70's. Was atrocious

  49. mine wasnt noisy as i had barbies

  50. mine was Dream phone, i can still hear 'he looks good in whatever he wears', loved that game.

  51. A electric guitar. It was very noisy

  52. I can't remember having anything especially noisy, I did use the ZX Spectrum on the telly quite loudly ;)

  53. I learned to play the recorder and I thought it sounded great but nobody else liked it!

  54. Old Toy Record Player by fisher price

  55. I had a toy piano which I thought sounded wonderful but I bet my parents would have disagreed

  56. An electronic keyboard - i used to play for hours with that!

  57. The only noisy game or toy I can remember from my childhood was "Operation"

  58. Katerina Economides5 December 2018 at 20:28

    My Guitar. I was a bit rubbish.

  59. ah, my karaoke machine,,,, my parents definitely regretted that present :-)

  60. something called AG bear recorded messages

  61. I had a Police car that sparked - it was amazing

  62. i loved jem dolls when i was young!

  63. A record player and one record, need I say more

  64. I had a drum when I was very small but thinking back I don't think my parents really allowed us any noisy toys. They're happy to buy my son them though!

  65. My keyboard

  66. I has a wind up TV - safe to say it did the job always proper wound me dad up it did x

  67. I used to love this thing which used to jiggle around across the floor. No idea what it was called.

  68. My recorder! I thought I was fab but apparently not lol

  69. I didn't have any noisy toys - honest!

  70. A Doll which constantly said mama mama, when the dummy was removed.

  71. I had musical carousel that my grandparents gave me. I loved it and thought it was magical, but my parents hated it.

  72. Kerplunk, especially when all the marbles dropped

  73. My remote control police car - it was the best thing ever

  74. i had a teddy that talked when you squeezed it

  75. I had a keyboard that I loved

  76. I loved my cabbage patch kid 🎑

  77. My furby! Although it used to annoy my sister so much she once hid it under all my clothes at the back of the wardrobe trying to shut it up LOL!

  78. A drum which my parents confiscated and a teddy that "broke wind" with a very loud squeak until my Nan removed the squeaker in disgust

  79. A recorder that drove my parents crazy much to my amusement lol x

  80. I loved my tamagochi it blinked and beeped all night, when the first one died I was totally distraught LOL

  81. I loved my furby. Everyone hated it though😂

  82. My teddy ruxspin cassette player toy, it used to move its mouth like it was reading the story.


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