Sunday, 4 November 2018

Trumping Trudy Family Game Review and Giveaway Age 4+ (sent by KD Games)

Trumping Trudy is a family game which is suitable for 2-4 players age 4+. It's been sent to us by KA Games for review and they are offering one of my readers their own copy in my Christmas Present Giveaways.

Lively and another one which is a little bit rude, it really wasn't as horrible as I'd anticipated. Pull the cow's tail and she might laugh at you or moo, what you don't want is for her to pass gas...

Inside the box is everything you need except for 2 x AA batteries (not included), with not too much plastic packaging and a sturdy box. Initial assembly takes just a couple of minutes to put together the cow and spinner, so relatively Christmas-morning friendly, but your Trudy will not fit back in the box for storage without disassembly - which it's not really designed for.

The way the the cow and spinner is constructed is really clever and simple, it all just sits on top of each other.  Trudy turns to face any of the players and has a built in spinner and a selector at the bottom which tells you what to do for your move.

Players take turns to spin and follow the directions:

Perfume - give a fly to any other player
Tail - lift the tail
Poo - take a fly
Come face - turn Trudy's tail to face any other player. They must then lift the tail.
Clothes peg - You have temporary immunity to collecting more flies until someone else takes the clothes peg from you.

When a player lifts Trudy's tail she will laugh, moo or trump. If she trumps, take a fly. Play continues until there are no flies left on the table and the winner is the player with the least flies at the end.

Each game only takes around 15 minutes, so it's perfect for a family game with younger players or towards the beginning of a games evening. Everyone has a random chance of winning, so no age group has advantage and it is younger players who will probably enjoy playing the most.

My boys, especially my 8 year old, laughed a lot while we played - it can get quite tense because it's so quick! Trudy works incredibly well and this is a game which children can enjoy with friends without needing any adult intervention or supervision.

Trumping Trudy is available to buy now priced £19.99rrp from all good toy and game shops, including online at Amazon*. For more information about the entire range available see the KD Games website.

KD Games have also offered a copy of Trumping Trudy as a Christmas Present for one of my readers. Entry to the giveaway is by Gleam form below. No tasks are mandatory, but each extra task performed earns and extra entry into the random draw. Your personal information will ONLY be used to administrate this giveaway - in fact I'll only look at it if you win!

You can find a link to help with Gleam forms and see the rest of my Christmas Present Giveaways here - including lots of books and games for families. Full terms and conditions are at the bottom of the Gleam form. The giveaway is open to UK entrants only and will close at midnight Sunday 2nd December for Christmas delivery.

We were sent our copy of Trumping Trudy for review. *Amazon links are affiliate, which means I earn a few pence as a thank you for my time if you order through my link, but you don't pay any extra. It all helps keep the website running.


  1. Turkey, Pigs in blankets (piggies!) and eggnog!

  2. Turkey, potatoes, brussel sprouts

  3. Milk for Santa (he can't drink and drive), cheese lots and lots of cheese and Turkey!!!!

  4. Roast turkey, pigs in a blanket and Christmas ham.

  5. Turkey, roasties and carrots

  6. Pigs in blankets, Turkey and Goose

  7. Pigs in blankets, Turkey and Potatoes. x

  8. potatoes, carrots and parsnips

  9. Turkey, Milk (for Santa of course) and Cheese x

  10. Carrots, Turkey and pigs in blankets

  11. Milk for my brandy sauce, turkey and sausage

  12. Brussels sprouts, pigs in blankets and the Turkey!

  13. turkey, carrots for rudolph and the humans, Milk for Santa

  14. Turkey

  15. pigs in blankets turkey and cream

  16. turkey, potatoes and brussel sprouts

  17. Just about everything on the table unless you grow it yourself

  18. Turkey, Vegetables, Pigs in blankets

  19. Turkey, potatoes, brussel sprouts

  20. Roast turkey, pigs in a blanket and Christmas ham.

  21. Sprouts, potatoes and the turkeys! thanks looks like a fun game x

  22. Turkey, bacon and vegetables

  23. Mmm it has to be turkey, I love my sprouts and pigs in blankets

  24. Cream, Grapes for wine, and of course Turkey!

  25. Potatoes, parsnips and carrots are all farm produced

  26. Turkey, milk (a glass for Father Christmas) and sprouts.

  27. Turkey, potatoes and my favourite Brussels

  28. Meat, Potatoes and Sprouts, My 1 sprout a year

  29. Turkey, Roast potatoes and pigs in blankets

  30. Sprouts (my favourite), turkey and cheese

  31. roast potatoes, parsnips (yummy) , sprouts (yukky)

  32. Sprouts and potatoes in Christmas dinner and milk in the custard for pudding.

  33. Turkey, veggies, and ham. Making me hungry now.

  34. Turkey Brussels Sprouts Parsnips

  35. Pigs in blankets, Turkey and Potatoes

  36. Carrots, parsnips, potatoes.

  37. Turkey, Stuffing, Roast Potatoes

  38. Tukey, beef and pigs in blankets

  39. turkey, pigs in blankets and potatoes

  40. Turkey Potatoes and Brussel Sprouts


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I read every one and try my best to reply!