Monday, 19 August 2019

Rubik's Summer Scrambles Puzzles Giveaway

We've just taken a good look at the new releases from Rubik's for Summer 2019 and John Adams have kindly offered one of my readers 2 of the new puzzles for themselves. One winner will win a Rubik's Edge and a Rubik's Cage, together worth well over £25.

Rubik's Edge and Rubik's Cage in box

The Rubik's Edge is a 9 block, single layer Rubik's puzzle, which seems easy, but really isn't. It moves in more directions than you would realise, so it's a brilliant fidget and feels great to play with.

Rubik's Edge single layer Puzzle in packaging

You can twist and turn it to solve the puzzle, or you can have as much fun if you play with it, because of the huge range of shapes you can create...

Collage of 4 photos demonstrating the Rubik's Edge range of movement

The Rubik's Cage can be completely taken apart and emptied, and that's how you start this 2-4 player game...

Rubik's Cage box showing game

Players take turns to drop in a cube, twist a layer or even turn the entire cage upside down - to win all you have to do it make a row of 3 matching coloured blocks before anyone else!

Demonstrating the Rubik's cage gameplay

We really like this game, it's easy and very quick to play, and so much more than traditional '3 in a row' games. You spend most of the time trying to spot and prevent the other players from making a row of 3!

To see my full post about 5 of the brand new Rubik's products, plus the classic Original 3x3 Cube, see my Rubik's Summer Scrambles Puzzles Review.

6 of Rubik's brand new products for summer 2019

For your chance to win both the Rubik's Edge (rrp £7.99) and the Rubik's Cage (rrp £20), enter using the Gleam form below. No entries are mandatory, but each extra task you complete will earn extra entries into the giveaway. Any details are ONLY used for this giveaway and deleted once the admin is over. 

The giveaway will end at midnight Sunday 15th September and it is open to UK entrants only. Full terms and conditions are at the bottom of the Gleam form. To see all of my giveaways, and for a link to help if you are new to Gleam, please see my Giveaways Page...


  1. The first ones I was a dab hand - completed loads - not sure with the never versions

  2. The first ones I was a dab hand - completed loads - not sure with the never versions

  3. I have only ever completing a Rubik's cube once.

  4. I have never been able to crack it!

  5. im rubbish, never get anywhere near!

  6. I tried a lot, when I was younger, to complete the rubik cube but never succeeded

  7. Robert Mark Ward20 August 2019 at 11:50

    I have never completed one, have you heard Tom Paxton's song about the original cube? (Only a game)

  8. ooh all my kids love rubik cube and my nieces. THey are such fun and great for all ages xx

  9. The closest I've ever come to completing a rubik's cube was by taking it apart and cheating!

  10. I have completed the rubiks cube and once did it with my eyes closed. I'm losing my touch now though.

  11. My son hasnt attempted rubiks yet

  12. Margaret Clarkson
    I can't do it! My Godson can.

  13. I've never came close to completing a Rubik's cube. It's on my list of 50 things to do before I'm 50.

  14. I've never completed a cube but I do find them very theraputic to play with!

  15. I used to love them as a kid and was really good at them - not so sure anymore its been a while!

  16. I did complete one years ago

  17. I completed the junior animal shaped one if that counts. I remember having one as a child but never completed it

  18. Never used to be able to complete it - resorted to taking off the stickers and placing them on the appropriate squares :)

  19. I'm hopeless, but my son can do one in under 30 seconds.

  20. No, never managed it. Anyone who has, has done it so, so quickly that I had no chance / Opportunity to learn.

    Rachel Craig

  21. I could never work it out, even after watching videos to teach you how to

  22. I've never fully completed one, but my daughter has cracked it and it is now her party trick!

  23. I have never in my life managed to complete one!

  24. I could never do it as a child but my daughter is dying for one because she thinks she's to brainy and will do it.

  25. I’ve completed two, took me forever though

  26. I did the original many years ago

  27. I have never finished one, and the only way my husband completed one, he pulled the stickers off and stuck them back on

  28. None I can never work them out 😂😂

  29. Nowhere near in the hundreds of tries. My daughter did it with a little help from YouTube!

  30. absolutely nowhere near, not even a full row, I get bored to easily

  31. I could do it in around 2 minutes, but forgot the method now

  32. I simply don't have the patience for it, though my kids have - not sure where they get it from! I have never finished one as I give up after 5 minutes!!

  33. I am useless, I can normally get a side, occasionally two but never any more than that

  34. No, I'm useless at it, I've always been the same.

  35. I have but not since I was little - my older brother taught me the trick to do them but I can't remember it now!

  36. Have never even gotten close!

  37. once!!! i peeled off the stickers!! this was wy back when i was small!! x

  38. I have once done 2 sides but I don’t think that counts

  39. Nope I have never completed one, I spent about 30 minutes and that was enough for me!

  40. If i'm being honest then i will admit i have never completed a rubiks cube

  41. I've never completed one but my boys keep trying

  42. No never completed one but got half way on one before.

  43. I have never completed one, i get a few sides all one colour, but there is always one side i cannot get right,

  44. only ever completed one side and half of another side, cant get anywhere near and its not for want of trying.

  45. I tried and tried and tried but could not do the cube without either taking apart or taking the stickers off! Maybe my daughter will be better at it than me! Fingers crossed.

  46. I am in awe of people who can look at a puzzle and figure out how to solve it. I've never managed!

  47. No, I have never got anywhere near it

  48. I’ve never been able to work it out I’ve been trying for years and years and what’s really annoying is my son who’s 9 can do it so easily

  49. The best I can do is one side but my husband can do it

  50. I can complete one or maybe two sides but that's about it. Wish I had the skill of completing the whole cube!

  51. I've never managed it, my Nana still has an original cube from the 70s that show where I tried to peel off the stickers!!

  52. I have never managed to do one yet

  53. Ive never been able to do it but my son can. They are great fun trying though

  54. The whole family love competing to finish these games. Hours of fun!!

  55. Iv e managed to get around 7 of the same colour on one side not much of an achievement!
    Linda Ford

  56. I have completed the rubik's cube by following instructions in a book :-)

  57. I have only completed a Rubik’s cube by taking it apart and putting it back together again, cheating I know xxx

  58. I have never completed one. Although I am good am rubik's race game.

  59. My dad was always doing his rubik's cube he never managed to do it , I dont think I ever managed to do 1 side

  60. I've never been able to do a Rubik's cube but my brother seems to be great at it

  61. I have managed to get one side all the same but that's it. My son can complete it no bother

  62. I've never completed one or come close!

  63. Love Rubik's as a kid and still do now and so do my 4 children. Love the idea of new toys being designed and brought out by Rubik's

  64. I've never been any where near completing one!

  65. My son loves rubik's would love to win for himm


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