Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Christmas Giveaway: The Board Game Family by Ellie Dix (3 Winners)

Anyone who reads my blog knows just how important board games are to our family. We play a lot, everyone joins in and it's relaxing family time - talking, building and reinforcing relationships.

The Board Game Family: Reclaim Your Children From The Screen is a fantastic 'how-to' for parents from The Dark Imp's Ellie Dix. Ideal for anyone who wants to get their kids back into the living room, away from screens and back into family life together.

The Board Game Family by Ellie Dix - Book cover with title and meeples

I did a full review of The Board Game Family back in September and I really felt that the author, Ellie Dix. is on my wavelength. She enthuses about the same games we love here, and has a great strategy for parents to get back in tune with their kids - even if you have never played a board game before.

The Dark Imp Dice pattern which is free with the book

Just like books, movies or TV Series, there is a board game for anyone. There will be lots that you will love, and you may not have heard of them. Ellie includes a big selection at the back, and recommendations for different game abilities and levels of keenness at the start.... she mentions a lot of games we've reviewed.

The Board Game Family (Reclaim Your Children From The Screen) is written by Ellie Dix and published by Crown House Publishing. Glossy paperback with 208 pages and available now from all good book shops, priced £12.99rrp. Affiliate Amazon link below:

I know how important that time together playing games has been for our family, and how many memories we've made, so I'm delighted to have teamed up with Ellie and Crown House Publishing to be able to offer 3 of you a copy of The Board Game Family as a Christmas Present.

Entry to the sweepstake giveaway is via the Gleam form below. No entries are mandatory, but each extra task completed earns more entries into the random draw at the end. Your details are only used for this giveaway then deleted. I only need them to check the winner's entries and inform them of the good news!

The giveaway will end at midnight Sunday 1st December and is open to UK entrants only. For full terms and conditions see the bottom of the Gleam form. For a link to help if you are new to Gleam, or to see my other Christmas Present Giveaways (including games, toys, bedding and lots more), see my Giveaways Page...

We were sent our copy of The Board Game Family by Ellie Dix for review. Amazon links are affiliate, which, as a thank you, earns me a few pennies if you buy through my link, but you never pay any more.


  1. I enjoy Scrabble at the moment and enjoyed Monopoly as a child.

  2. I like Scrabble now, when I was little my favourite board game was Mousetrap

  3. I always loved quiz games like Trivial Pursuit when I was a child, the current favourite in our house is Labyrinth

  4. Monopoly, both now and when I was younger.

  5. Robert Mark Ward31 October 2019 at 10:56

    I remember having Totopoly as a child, what a good idea to teach your children to gamble. Scrabble now.

  6. When I was younger I loved snakes and ladders. Now we love cluedo and monopoly x

  7. I always liked Snakes and ladders

  8. monopoly and i still love to play it now

  9. As a family we enjoy Monopoly, but as a child I loved Cluedo because I was able to take in all of the information analytically and win!

  10. As a child I loved Ludo. Now I love Can't Stop and Takenoko!

  11. Monopoly - we still do now- its great way to spend time as a family

  12. I love playing Payday now with the family but when I was little my favorite game was Ludo

  13. I loved monopoly and cluedo as a child. I still like monopoly but dont have the time. Now quite like scrabble

  14. I loved playing Game of life growing up - I introduced to the kids and they like it but I suddenly realised how grown up the terms were 'shares' and 'taxes'.
    We love playing Museum Rush now, it is a great game of where you are a thief in a museum!

  15. I love puzzle and strategy games now but as a child it was Monopoly or word games like scrabble and crossword

  16. I loved to play Monopoly with the family and play it with my children now too

  17. Elaine Skye Monopoly as a child nowadays I love to play Guess Who with my grandchildren

  18. I love playing the Logo game now, and I used to love playing Heroquest!

  19. We played a lot of card games whe i was little and still enjoy card games the best now

  20. Has to be scrabble i play it all the time and as a child i enjoyed playing connect four

  21. I used to love playing snakes and ladders as achild and now play Monopoly regularly.

  22. I love Trivial Pursuit now and when I was younger I loved Frustration xx

  23. we love playing scrabble with the kids as I have great memories of playing it with my family when I was young! xx

  24. I like 5 second rule now and I liked yahtzee as a child and still do

  25. I always like pay day as a kid now i enjoy most of them probably risk is my favourite x

  26. We like Quirkle as a family. I loved guess who as a kid

  27. Loved the game Trouble when I was younger, now its all about Game of Life!

  28. I have always loved monopoly and now lo e playing with my children x

  29. I loved monopoly when i was younger, still love it now, and cludo!

  30. I used to love when i was younger a board game called 'Escape From Colditz', now it's just Monopoly.

  31. I made the mistake of buying Twister, so it seems that its the new family favourite, although my back wont agree, when i was a child Mousetrap was my favourite game to play

  32. My favourite board game is Frustration. I loved beating my sister as a child and now as a naughty mummy love beating my daughter!

  33. I haven’t played a board game for years, but I think my children are getting to an age where they will understand it, so maybe this Christmas is the one to bring out a new tradition. We played a sock game last year with the nephews, items in a sock and you had a limited time to find the item. Can’t remember what it was called. I always loved Go For Broke as a kid!

  34. we love playing Ludo when I was little we loved a family game of Cluedo

  35. I love playing Labyrinth and Monopoly now and always loved Labyrinth as a kid.

  36. I love playing monopoly now but I used to love playing hungry hippos- geri Gregg

  37. Yahtzee and still Yahtzee its great that my kids love the same game i played growing up

  38. Snakes and ladders, I now play it with my grandchildren

  39. loved the game of life as a child, still do now!

  40. I loved card games as a kid, and love them now as well as board games

  41. It would have been Snakes and Ladders but now it has be Monopoly.

  42. Snakes and Ladders was my favourite as a child and still is. It is a game of chance so the whole family can join in and play on an equal footing.

  43. I use to love scrabble but now i prefer Cluedo

  44. I loved guess who when I was little now I like themed trivial pursuit best.

  45. We love playing different versions of Monopoly.

  46. It was 'Escape From Colditz' as a kid - and still is now!

  47. We all love playing monopoly is really fun for all the family.

  48. We had a game called Going for a Song which was based on the TV antiques programme which we loved. Now we play monopoly as a family.

  49. We love playing monopoly, loved playing frustration

  50. We love to play Monopoly Empire and we also love Scrabble

  51. We enjoy playing Ludo

  52. Labyrinth & love playing dracula board game when i was little.

  53. We like playing Cluedo when younger and Connect 4 is popular in our family

  54. I love Boggle and Scattergories as a child we played Monopoly throughout the school holidays

  55. As a child (and an adult) I love Monopoly - we have lots of versions

  56. I love the game of life now but loved monopoly when I was younger. They are similar though.


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