Friday, 1 November 2019

Christmas Present Giveaway: HUGE Tactic Family Games Bundle!

I am ecstatic to have this awesome Christmas Present giveaway courtesy of Tactic, who also sent us these games for review over the last couple of months. One reader wins the entire bundle: Original Alias, UK Alias, Story Chest and The Great Tour (European Cities).

Together this bundle of Tactic family games is worth over £100 at recommended prices, we've reviewed and loved all 4 of these games. This is without doubt one of my favourite giveaways I've ever run.

Original ALIAS game from Tactic review box shot

Original Alias is an instant play, easy to learn word guessing game suitable for 4 or more players aged around 10+, in teams of 2 or more.

Players give clues to words on the cards, and teammates have to try and guess them correctly - wrong answers move you back a space, so don't guess too early!

ALIAS UK Edition Family Board Game Review

UK Alias is very much like the Original ALIAS, but with a UK twist. Each of the words on the cards has a connection to the UK. We liked this version better, as there were less things our younger players hadn't heard of yet.

ALIAS and UK ALIAS rrp £24.99 each. You can read my full double game review of ALIAS and UK ALIAS here...

Story Chest Family Game Review (Age 7+) Sent by Tactic

Story Chest is an absolutely beautiful card-based game for 2-7 players aged around 7 or older. Take 2 cards and weave a story, but the other players have to guess which you'll choose. The illustrations are amazing.

Story Chest family imaginative board game review beautiful storytelling card deck

A lovely, calm game, which is brilliant for a relaxing evening, and can be very funny at times. Priced around £23.99. Our full review of Story Chest is here.

The Great Tour Family Board Game Review Age 8+ Sent by Tactic

The Great Tour - European Cities is another really attractive game, but this time it's the 1950's feel which makes it. Suitable for 3-6 players aged 8+, take your coach on a tour of Europe and carry as many passengers as you can!

The Great Tour Family Game board showing cities and coaches

We really liked this one, it is exciting to be able to complete a route and send your passengers off on holiday, and it was fairly evenly matched between kids and adults. RRP £29.99. Our full The Great Tour: European Cities review is here...

Original ALIAS, UK ALIAS, Story Chest and The Great Tour: European Cities are made and distributed by Tactic and available to buy now from good games stockists, including instore at independent games shops and online at Amazon. affiliate links with Prime delivery below:

Tactic are giving one of my readers the entire bundle of 4 games, worth over £100, as a Christmas present. Entry to the giveaway is by Gleam form below. No entries are mandatory and your details are only used for this giveaway, then deleted. There's a 'how-to' with Gleam here, and you can find all of my other Christmas Present Giveaways here...

The giveaway will end at midnight Sunday 1st December for Christmas delivery. Entry is open to UK entrants only. Full terms and conditions are at the bottom of the Gleam form.

We were originally sent each of the Tactic games for review for Tactic. Amazon links are affiliate and I earn a few pence if you buy through my link - you don't pay any extra. I do not receive any payment for most of my Christmas Present Giveaways, including this one. 


  1. I will snack on asian snack, mochi, peanuts and lot more. Also diet coke.

  2. Popcorn, crisps, pretzels, icecream and a bottle of wine.

  3. I snack on crackers and cheese and drink wine! The kids have popcorn and milkshakes!

  4. Pepsi Max Cherry, pringles and BBQ coated peanuts would be good for me!

  5. i love our new years eve game night with party food and pop

  6. Our perfect games night is with all the family, a pile of games and some bowls of nibbles, crisps, cashews, some carrot/cucumber sticks with houmous then a bowl of maltesers for sweet treats! Oh and a glass of wine for me!

  7. We have a monthly family games night, we play with the children their games until 7.30 then they go to bed and we play the adult games with crisps and drinks

  8. Perfect night would include having a fun game to play, 3 or more playing, a tin of quality street, crisps and coke zero

  9. We love our games nights, plenty of snacks, crips, popcorn, nuts and soft drinks, cider and G&T's to keep everyone happy!!

  10. We'd play Takenoko, eat tortilla chips and drink pepsi max cherry!!

  11. You have to have a big takeaway pizza, maybe a couple of glasses of wine for the adults, with some of our favourite games of course!

  12. I would snack on crisps and would be drinking coke.

  13. I love a night in with family and friends. A glass of red wine or a cup of tea, and a cheese board always goes down a treat.

  14. We have a family games night on the last Friday of every month, a ritual from childhood. We always have pizza , nachos and dips and Cornettos .

  15. I would love a games night with my family, with onesies, hot chocolate and marshmallows

  16. My family love games nights. We drink red wine and eat crisps, olives, nuts and other snacks whilst playing a wide variety of games.

  17. Just discovered strawberry and watermelon Tango so that and popcorn

  18. Snacks definitely include crisps, cheese straws and chocolate bits, with Pepsi Max on tap!

  19. Margaret Clarkson
    Crisps, peanuts and lemonade

  20. tortilla chips and a glass of wine! x

  21. Home-made popcorn, fresh orange juice.

  22. My perfect night would be lots of interactive fun family games and we’d snack on takeaway pizza

  23. Robert Mark Ward3 November 2019 at 09:41

    Playing Scrabble, drinking coffee and eating dry roast peanuts.

  24. We will have lots of popcorn, crisps and dips to munch on during games night

  25. We would be playing Logo, charades, & pictionary, eating takeaway, pringles & chocolate, and drinking lots of Baileys!

  26. Has to be peanuts with crisps and i would be drinking some irn bru

  27. I snack on chocolate and crisps. We love playing Monopoly

  28. Plenty of soft drinks and tea and coffee and hot sausage rolls to eat.

  29. All the family together - no gadgets - popcorn crisp and soda stream pop - laughter and fun

  30. If it was a games night with my boys, it would have to be popcorn and crisps and some cola

  31. Snacking on crisps and popcorn, drinking mocktails and having fun and laughing with the special people in my life

  32. I like to drink normal coke as a treat with pringles, a chocolate nut mix and ice cream lollies.

  33. games night with crisps and dip sounds good to me!

  34. Our family games nights are an occasion we all love. We usually have juice and popcorn but at Christmas it’s usually constant buffet food

  35. i would be drinking rose and eating cheese and crackers x

  36. Red wine, sparkling water, crisps and tortilla chips.

  37. Mine would be a game night with my children with pizza, pop and crisps!

  38. Drinking shloer in a wine glass pretending it's wine lol (I don't drink) and snacking on Parma ham with breadsticks, maybe some peanuts and chocolate.

  39. A night playing Risk and snacking on Twiglets and cider

  40. a pot of pringles, bowl of haribo and a game of monopoly!

  41. we have a big buffet and me and the hubby have a vodka and coke and we let the son have a couple of alcopops

  42. All my family around with a glass of Baileys on Ice and we'll be snacking on salted peanuts

  43. Cups of tea or hot chocolate, tub of chocolates and popcorn.

  44. Cups of tea or hot chocolate, tubs of chocolates and popcorn.

  45. Games like monopoly and chorades lots of pringles and neanuts and chocolate lots and lots of chocolate and hot chocolate and Baileys for the adults x

  46. Adults just tea and coffee and the kids we let have pop, snacks are usually crisps or popcorn

  47. Family games night, heating on, curtains shut... plenty snacks like chocolate and popcorn and diet coke to drink

  48. A perfect games night with the family with football on the tv in the background, some tortilla chips and salsa dip and a bottle of lager.

  49. A night playing scrabble, snacking on popcorn and lemonade.

  50. Fire on, chucking logs on, snacks aplenty especially Mexican food, lots of chocolate.

  51. We'll be playing Rummikub, drinking wine and snacking on my home made chilli garlic peanuts

  52. Has to be popcorn ElizabethLily 73

  53. We love Games nights and usually snack on breadsticks, crisps, popcorn, grapes, and marshmallows

  54. I like games like Disney trivial pursuits, food would be popcorn, wine/juice and crisps

  55. Salted cashew nuts and wine xx

  56. Take a way curry, wine and great friends. We would play Trivial Pursuit, Twister, and if still sober and awake mouse trap!

  57. I love it when we have all of the family around playing team games and i would be snacking on sweets, roasted peanuts, carrots and cucumber with dips and crisps!

  58. Snacking on cheese and chutney and crackers and drinking ale or wine please. Articulate!

  59. We love playing Ludo. Cheesy nachos and peanuts with cheeky shots for the loser!

  60. Pizza and wine

  61. Definitely pizza and gin playing monopoly with the family!

  62. Pizza and icecream! Geri Gregg

  63. drinking wine and snacking on chocolate

  64. We try and have a monthly games night with friends and we have dinner together than one of us has cooked - ranging from asian chicken and rice, to homemade burgers with all the trimmings and of course we're bringing out the wine and beer.

  65. we love game nights and we love things like chocolate and crisps , and us adults like a nice vodka and coke whilst the kids just have some coke

  66. monopoly with me winning of course! eating pizza and drinking coke

  67. We love playing games especially King of Tokyo and Scrabble. Snacks and drinks consist of crisps and pure juices and a Bailey's for me!

  68. We like to play card games and snack on crisps and dips!

  69. It would be Monopoly and would be Coke Cola and Toffee Popcorn for Snacks and Drinks.

  70. As our perfect games night would be with the grandchildren we would be snacking on fruit, crisps and cakes (especially made by Grandad) and drinking milk or water

  71. Monopoly, hot chocolate and chocolate biscuits

  72. an assortment of chocolates, an assortment of nuts and hot chocolate to drink!

  73. Honey roasted cashews, Merlot (juice for the children) and Snakes and Ladders.

  74. Perfect games night would have to be retro which, going back a decade or 3, meant supermarket-own snacks in huge bags and whatever lager was on offer at the time.

  75. On the perfect games night we will be playing card games eating pringles and I would have a glass of wine in my hand!

  76. Cashew nuts, crisps, cake, pizza or chinese, juice, tea, coffee, pop,

  77. Family game of cluedo, something comfy to sit on and lots of crisps!

  78. Love family game night especially if it involves playing Monopoly. We usually snack on pizza, burgers and sweets

  79. The whole family with crisps chocolate and J20

  80. We love games night! Our favourite snacks are Bugles and tortilla chips and we love playing Trivial Pursuit with a glass of wine

  81. perfect games night? monopoly with close friends dominos pizza and a bottle of pop!

  82. A family night of card games, with a takeaway and nibbles of crisps, nuts, sweets etc

  83. Snacks would be Pringles, chunks of cheese and peanuts with a chilled glass of white wine. Lovely

  84. Baileys, quality street and crisps!

  85. mixture of family board games, Praline chocolates, popcorn, cream soda, snowballs and cider :-)

  86. I'd have a games night with my wonderful fiance Mark awwww and step sons . Wed have pizza and beer....bliss

  87. Game night with my children with pringles, haribo and hot chocolate yum

  88. Trivial Pursuit, red wine and crisps

  89. Usually have a Disney film on in the background with lots of crisps and chocolate!

  90. Popcorn, crisps, raw carrot & hummus washed down with dandelion & burdock (the boys think it is very grown up!)

  91. Cheese and prosecco playing twister, cluedo and game of life!

  92. We love playing card games and betting sweets against eachother - that we later eat!

  93. When we have games night we like to snack on popcorn and doritos. We also have some swèets and water, tea or coke.


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I read every one and try my best to reply!