Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Pile O Stockingfillers Christmas Present Giveaway

Tadah!!!! It's time for the Christmas Present Giveaway that I know some people at least enjoy the most. The lovingly named 'Pile O Stockingfillers'. This is where I put together an eclectic mix of the stuff I've collected over the year and give it all away to one lucky reader.

This year I didn't go to as many conferences, and the pile of actual stockingfillers wasn't as big as in previous years, so I've had to top it up with a few bigger bits, including a couple who I've also included in my Christmas Present Giveaways already...

Pile O Stockingfillers Christmas Present Giveaway collage 2 photos of boys with Santa and 2 photos showing games and toys and books etc

There's this Autumn's big family release - Toy Story 4 on DVD. I have another chance for you to win this here - and I'll also include a couple of paper masks which will be great next Halloween....

Toy Story 4 DVD and masks on top of random toys and paper

There are a few books I ended up with extra copies of, including a Hannah The Spanner book given by the author, Stuart Simmonds, and 2 more of you can win a copy of this beautifully illustrated story book here.

Books including Mardles Stay Safe With THomas Family London guide and Hannah THe Spanner

I'm very happy to have included a Rubik's Edge and a Rubik's Cage - we reviewed these earlier this year and they are both a hit here. Very different from your original Cube, and the Cage is multiplayer, it's a game for 2-4 players.

Pile O Presents Giveaway Rubik's Cage and Edge

Disney Guess The Film is a really good family game from Jumbo Games, which we reviewed over a year ago, and someone sent us another copy. I have a big Jumbo Games puzzle bundle giveaway here too.

I also have another chance to win the the Angry Birds Island Challenge Slot Car Racing Set.

Disney Guess THe Film Game Angry Birds slot car Racing Game

I posted a 15 second video on Instagram showing a brand new Learning Resources tactile play product, Playfoam Pluffle, and it was a real hit, so I'm very pleased to tell you that I've got a tube of blue Pluffle in the box. This stuff is amazing - it keeps moving when you put it down. You can find my video here...

Pile O Presents Giveaway Haul 2019 Playfoam Pluffle

There are 3 really nice items for someone who has an infant or toddler - Bobux Soft Shoes, a Ziggle Dribble Bib and some corner cushions from Fred.

Pile O Presents 2019 Safety corner cushions blue padded bib and bobux shoes

There is also a random selection of real stockingfiller items, and a LEGOLAND Ninjago block and figure - just because there's been one every year. It's tradition. Here it is, or was, it's all packed away safely in a big cardboard box now, ready for posting...

To enter to win all of the Christmas Presents listed and shown above, use the Gleam form below. I use it because it chooses the random sweepstake winner and logs all the entries for me, and none of your details will be used for anything else than this giveaway, then deleted. For a 'how-to' take a look here, and to you can find all of my Christmas Present and other giveaways here.

The giveaway is open to UK entrants only and will end at midnight Wednesday 11th December so that you should get your presents before Christmas!! Full terms and conditions are at the bottom of the Gleam form. None of the entries is mandatory.

I wasn't paid or given any incentive to run this giveaways or include any of the items in this giveaway, but they have all been given to me by brands at some point. Amazon links are affiliate, which earns me a few pence if you buy through my links, but never costs you any more. It helps me keep the website running. 


  1. Which side of a turkey has the most feathers?

    The outside!

  2. What does Santa wear on his feet? Red socks of course

  3. Why was the turkey in the pop group?
    Because he was the only one with drumsticks!

  4. Love prize love stocking fillers

  5. Who hides in a bakery at Christmas?
    A mince spy

  6. Did you hear about the Scarecrow who won an award, he was outstanding in his field.

  7. What do you get if you lie under a cow? A pat on the head

  8. A ship carrying red paint and a shop carrying blue paint collided, all the sailors were marooned

  9. What do reindeers use to decorate their Christmas trees?

  10. why does santa have 3 gardens cos he loves to ho ho ho

  11. How did Mary and Joseph figure out baby Jesus was exactly 7lb 9oz?

    They had a weigh in a manger

  12. why does santa have three gardens ,because he likes to ho ho ho

  13. what do snowmen eat for breakfast

  14. What did the snowman say to the other??
    Can you smell carrots!? :) :) :)

  15. Why was the snowman looking through the carrots?

    He was picking his nose

  16. What happens if you eat Christmas decorations?
    You get Tinsel-itis 😂

  17. What's white and goes up?
    A confused snowflake!

  18. How does Father Christmas find his way? By Santa-Nav.

  19. What did the snowman say to the reindeer?

    Can you smell carrots

  20. Q What do snowmen have for breakfast A Snowflakes

  21. Did you hear about the advent calendar thief?
    He got 24 days.

  22. What do they sing at a snowman's birthday party? Freeze a jolly good fellow

  23. What did Cinderella say when her photos didn't arrive? "One day my prints will come!"

  24. Why did they let the Turkey play in the band
    Because he is the only one with drum sticks

  25. What happened to the lady who ate Christmas decorations? She got Tinsel-itis

  26. Why does Santa have 3 gardens?.........because he likes to Hoe, Hoe, Hoe!

  27. What happened to the guy who stole an advent calendar?? He got 25 days lol

  28. How does an Eskimo fix his house?
    Igloos it together

  29. why does Santa have 3 gardens?
    so he can Ho Ho Ho

  30. What did Cinderella say when her photos didn't arrive?
    "One day my prints will come!"

  31. Margaret Clarkson
    Why did nobody bid for Rudolph and Blitzen on eBay? They were two deer

  32. What’s green&goes up and down.
    A sprout in a lift.

  33. What kind of music to Elves listen to?

  34. What do they sing at a snowman's birthday party? Freeze a jolly good fellow

  35. Who is Santas favourite singer......Elf-is!!! ��

  36. What do elves post on Social Media?

  37. What did Santa say to his wife when he looked out of the window? It looks like reindeer

  38. why was the snowman looking through a pile of carrots? Because, he was picking his nose x

  39. What kind of music do elves like best?
    "Wrap" music!

  40. Why does Scrooge love reindeer so much?
    Because every single buck is dear to him!

  41. Why did the Turkey want to join the Band?
    cos he had the Drumsticks!

  42. what is brown and sticky? a stick! (its the only joke I can remember!!)

  43. Why did Santa go to he doctors? He had Tinsel-itus

  44. Who is Santa’s favourite singer?
    Elfis Presley

  45. Where do poorly elves go for treatment?
    The 'elf centre

  46. What do you call a singing elf? a wrapper

  47. What do they sing at a snowman's birthday party? Freeze a jolly good fellow!

  48. What happened to the elf that ate too much tinsel?
    He got Tinselitis

  49. What did the snowman say to the other??
    Can you smell carrots?

  50. What did the sea Say to Santa?
    Nothing! It just waved!

  51. What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations?

  52. What do you call a train loaded with toffee?
    A chew chew train

  53. What do you call an elf who sings? A wrapper!

  54. michelle o'neill9 December 2019 at 07:44

    What’s a dog's favourite carol?
    Bark, the herald angels sing

  55. What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Ice Krispies

  56. What do you get when you eat too much of Christmas decorations?
    Tinsel-itis 🤪

  57. This would be incredible to win, thanks for the opportunity

  58. What is the difference between a snowman & Goebbels?
    Goebbels ha "sno balls at all"

  59. Why is 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9

  60. What's brown and sticky?

    ...a stick

  61. Why are Christmas trees bad at knitting. They always drop their needles.

  62. Why did the snowman spend so long in the supermarket veg aisle? He was picking his nose!

  63. Why did the mechanic sleep under his car. He wanted to wake up oily

  64. What did Father Christmas say to his wife when he looked out of the window?
    Looks like reindeer

  65. What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?
    A stick.

  66. Who hides in a bakery at Christmas? A mince spy.

  67. What did the snowman say to the other snowman? Do you smell carrots?

  68. What do you get if you cross Santa with a detective?
    Santa Clues!

  69. Q) What do you call a reindeer with no eyes
    A) No idea
    Q) What do you call a reindeer with no eyes and no legs
    A) Still no idea!

  70. Who hides in a bakery at Christmas?.................... A mince spy

  71. What do they sing at a snowman's birthday party? Freeze a jolly good fellow

  72. Q: Why has Santa been banned from sooty chimneys?
    A: Carbon footprints

  73. Why did the mushroom go to the Christmas party? He was a fun-guy

  74. Who delivers presents to cats?
    Santa Paws!

  75. Why did Santa go to the doctor? Because of his bad elf!

  76. What did the snowman say to his friend?
    Can you smell carrots

  77. What do elves post on Social Media?

  78. what did Santa say to the smoker? Please don't smoke, its bad for my elf :-)

  79. What do they sing at a snowman's birthday party? - Freeze a jolly good fellow!


Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I read every one and try my best to reply!