Monday, 8 June 2020

Sonic The Hedgehog Movie (Cert PG) 2 x Blu-ray Giveaway (sent by Paramount)

We were sent a free screening link in order to review Sonic The Hedgehog for Paramount Home Entertainment ahead of it's release today on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray and DVD.

This is very much a family movie, which has a little nostalgia, plenty of action and even a little mild, comedy peril. Throughout the post are activity sheets which you can click on to save and print off! 

Sonic The Hedgehog Bluray Pack shot of cover showing evil Dr Robotnik and Sonic

Sonic The Hedgehog takes me back to carefree days playing on the Sega Megadrive with my brother. I can hear the ching ching of coins as Sonic belts along, rolling and bouncing his way across a 2D scrolling platform. The live action / animated crossover version, set in today's world, is something I've been wanting to see since I first heard about it.

The story stars super speedy, Sonic the Hedgehog (voiced by Ben Schwartz), aka The Blue Blur, in his new home on Earth. He's hiding out, living among the regular people in small town America, but they don't realise he's even there. He accidentally catches the attention of evil genius Dr. Robotnik (Jim Carrey) and knows his time on Earth has to come to an end. He needs to use his magic rings to escape to another world... 

sonic the hedgehog movie activity sheets wordsearch

Classic super-villain vs. super-sonic animated action ensues, and it's very well done. Dr Robotnik is very much robo-human, and Sonic is super speedy out-of-his-depth blue hedgehog. He's very cute and lovable - famously softened up after reviewers while the movie was in edit said he was too terrifying. (Think original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rather than their reboot.) 

The storyline is quite clever, Robotnik wants to harness Sonic's power and use it to take over the world, Sonic needs to find his rings and escape in time. Classic chase, with a touch of humanity and kindness thrown in, this is a heartwarming story with a happy ending. 

sonic the hedgehog movie activity sheets unscramble word puzzle

It'll be really easy for younger members of the family to follow the movie and enjoy it, and there's action and humour throughout. This is slapstick with comedy injuries - very much as you'd expect from an animated computer game hedgehog. It's not 'stupid' though, so it will amuse older members of the family - and we're the ones who'll get all the references to the original game and video gaming history.

sonic the hedgehog movie activity sheets spot the difference with 2 running sonic the hedgehog characters

Bonus content on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray & DVD includes:
Around The World In 80 Seconds
Deleted Scenes
Original Opening
Super Observant Carl
Baby Sonic
Building Robotnik With Jim Carrey

Sonic The Hedgehog is distributed by Paramount Home Entertainment and is released today on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray and DVD, already available to Download And Keep. Find out more on the Sonic The Hedgehog movie website. 

sonic the hedgehog movie activity sheets wordsearch

Paramount Home Entertainment have offered a copy of Sonic The Hedgehog on Blu-ray each for two of my readers. Entry to the giveaway is by the Gleam form below. No entries are mandatory and each extra task completed earns another entry into the random draw. Your details won't be used for anything except this giveaway, then deleted. 

If you are new to Gleam, there's a link to help as well as my other UK giveaways on my Giveaways page. Open to UK entrants only, the giveaway will end at midnight Sunday 5th July. Full terms and conditions at the bottom of the giveaway form.

We were sent a screening link to Sonic The Hedgehog for review. I received nothing else in return for the time taken over this post. 


  1. I'm pretty sure it was an Atari, too. My OH played more than I did. A fun way to pass the time on a lazy Sunday.

  2. I used to like playing Alex Kid, I think it was mega drive, I'm not sure.

  3. Super Mario was my favourite game when I was younger

  4. Playing Mario Kart with my little brother and every time I'd be about to win, he would grab my remote and throw it in another room 😃🤣

  5. One of the first games I ever played was the original Gran Turismo on PS1. I used to play it for hours with my mum and dad

  6. ashleigh allan9 June 2020 at 08:34

    I loved playing sonic and mario!

  7. The first game I definitely remember playing is Frogger. I got a mini arcade machine of it for Christmas 1982. It broke eventually but a few years ago my husband got me a replacement for Christmas, which now has pride of place in my retro console collection :D

  8. Yes, I remember playing sonic the Hedgehog too!

  9. We had a Cokecovision and I remember playing Smurfs and Space panic.

  10. The first game I remember playing was Super Robin Hood on the Spectrum!

  11. We had a Commodore 64 and we loved playing Super Mario Bros.

  12. paper man on the Commodore 64

  13. My first game was Pacman on the Commodore64

  14. for me it would have to be back to the future on my Commodore 64 I was addicted to that game

  15. I remember playing goldeneye 007 I think it was on the N64, it was my brothers but he always used to let me play

  16. Snow Bros in the arcade. Always steal coins from my mother's purse... Dongchun Bang

  17. My first games were Dizzy and Boulder Dash on the C64! Still have the cassettes in storage :)

  18. We had the stick tennis game - this is my first memory of playing games on a console

  19. one of the first games i played was Alek the Kid

  20. First game I played was crash bandicoot on the PlayStation one xx

  21. I loved Sonic, it was even a nickname for a while, played on the Sega megadrive

  22. I used to play pacman and after I would go to bed my mum used to sit on the end of my bed playing it she was addicted

  23. It would have to be space invaders, got competitive with my brother!

  24. We had an Atari too. The first game I really remember playing a lot of though, was Monkey Island on the PC. We actually used to play it as a family working the clues out together.

  25. Being surprised by my dad with an Atari and Space Invaders and Pac Man games. Loved having evenings playing them with him and watching his face struggling to coordinate the joystick and fire button - Happy days!

  26. Space invaders in college but also Donkey Kong on a little handheld device which unfortunately got left on a train.

  27. michelle o'neill3 July 2020 at 13:14

    I loved paper boy! so addictive!

  28. It would be Tomb Raider and I remember my cousin coming over a lot and me watching him play tomb raider

  29. Pauline Burroughs3 July 2020 at 19:58

    It was Sonic the Hedgehog on the mega-drive

  30. We used to play wizards lair on the commodore 64 on a black and white portable TV and only realised years later that taht you needed to see the colour of keys to unlock doors and escape!

  31. We had a device called a rumble station, plugged into the TV it was great fun

  32. Manic Miner on the ZX Spectrum.

  33. Tetris was the first game I played

  34. Mine was crash bandicoot as a kid and then spyro

  35. I believe Sonic was my first to play ad I started on the sega genesis.

  36. my son would love this film!

  37. Same we had an Atari before a mega drive which I played sonic all day long , Atari I had pacman , space invaders, Atlantis

  38. I remember playing pacman and space invaders

  39. Alex The Kid In Wonderland on the Master System

  40. We had a Spectrum ZX and I remember playing Trans Am

  41. Played it on a friend's PS2.

  42. Amber Spilsbury5 July 2020 at 18:00

    I used to love playing Abe Space Odessey. I think that's what it was called 🤔

  43. love sonic fab game xx

  44. I remember playing Wonder Boy!! I loved it. Also Flimbo's Quest

  45. We used to have the Sega Megadrive and my cousin would come over ever Friday night and we'd play the Michael Jackson Moonwalker game. Still the best game ever in my opinion - they should make it for the PS4!


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